Tarian Samudra



Short film – 7 to 15 mn
Drama, Music, Dance
– Story told through music and stylish modern underwater choreographic sequences
Featuring the unique aquatic landscapes of Bali
References to Balinese Hindu religious figures
– Deep spiritual message delivered through symbolism
Strong environmental call exposing the alarming marine situation in Bali


Breathtaking underwater dance choreographies off the shores of Bali tell a story of Life, Death and the Ocean…


Most beautiful things come from the craziest ideas. Shooting dancers underwater in several locations is a huge technical challenge. It’s never been done before and it will require a lot of creativity to make it possible. We will work with some of the best divers in Asia and shoot the hardest  scenes in a pool using “tricks” such as green screen, special effects and intuitive editing to Produce the narrative.

Most of the images and themes of my movies come from the world of the unconscious. Some of the scenes I shot in my previous films were direct “translations” of things I saw in my dreams. I have been dreaming of a mystical underwater woman for years. She is Love, Beauty, Mother Earth… 

Being in Bali and discovering a fascinating country inspired me to write a story that would mix my vision, mystic figures of hinduism, and use the astonishing underwater locations of the Island of Gods to create a beautiful and meaningful Art movie.

An image is worth a thousand words. There will be no words, just the sound of the ocean and a beautifully haunting music. We will put a strong emphasis on the art direction with dreamlike underwater lighting and smooth camera movements. The “Elements” will wear long colourful floating dresses designed to compliment their moves.

The choreography will evolve around an emotional original music with strong themes variations in synch with the action. The music will be alive, progressive, organic, haunting… Meticulous editing and music “tailoring” will insure that it perfectly fits with the evolution of the story. 

Bali is a paradise, but a paradise in decline. Seabeds that once were covered with lush marine life and corals are now a bleached sea of plastic. Some areas of the island are in a worrying state, calling for immediate action. This is one of the main messages we want to deliver.


March 28, 2021

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